Planning Your Week According To The Planets

Did you know that the days of the week are connected to the planets? And because of this our emotions and energy levels are connected too.

So, let’s take a look:

The days of the week are named after celestial bodies, mostly planets, and each day has its own unique energy and association. Understanding the connection between the planets and the days of the week can help us align our activities and intentions with the energy of the day, and ultimately improve our productivity, creativity, and well-being.

Here's a list of what planet is associated with which day of the week, along with one example of what you could do on that day to align with its energy:

  1. Monday - Moon: Monday is associated with the Moon, which represents our emotions, intuition, and nurturing energy. On Mondays, you could prioritize self-care activities like taking a relaxing bath, meditating, or journaling.

  2. Tuesday - Mars: Tuesday is associated with Mars, which represents our drive, motivation, and action-oriented energy. On Tuesdays, you could tackle challenging tasks, hit the gym, or engage in physical activities that get your blood pumping.

  3. Wednesday - Mercury: Wednesday is associated with Mercury, which represents communication, learning, and mental agility. On Wednesdays, you could focus on learning something new, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in creative pursuits like writing or drawing.

  4. Thursday - Jupiter: Thursday is associated with Jupiter, which represents expansion, abundance, and higher learning. On Thursdays, you could set goals and intentions for the future, engage in philanthropic activities, or explore new cultures and perspectives.

  5. Friday - Venus: Friday is associated with Venus, which represents love, beauty, and creativity. On Fridays, you could indulge in self-care activities that make you feel beautiful and pampered, spend time with loved ones, or engage in creative pursuits like art or music.

  6. Saturday - Saturn: Saturday is associated with Saturn, which represents structure, discipline, and responsibility. On Saturdays, you could tackle important tasks, set boundaries, or engage in activities that require focus and perseverance.

  7. Sunday - Sun: Sunday is associated with the Sun, which represents vitality, leadership, and self-expression. On Sundays, you could engage in activities that nourish your soul, spend time in nature, or practice creative self-expression like dancing or singing.

By understanding the energy of the planets and aligning our activities with the energy of the day, we can improve our productivity, creativity, and overall well-being. So, next time you're planning your schedule, keep the planetary associations of the days of the week in mind and see how it affects your productivity and energy levels.

So the next week, start planning your week a little differently, mindfully and artfully. Let me know how that works out.

~Brandi xx

Brandi Daniels

Boss Babe | Writer | Speaker | Foodie | All Around Badass!

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