A Beginner's Guide to Understanding the 5 Human Design Types in the Workplace

1. GENERATORS: Make up about 35% of the world. Generators are life force in motion. When working correctly they have a consistent supply of energy (unlike the other types). They are the natural hustlers and doers of society.

AT WORK: They bring energy to the room and are the builders on your team. When they’re engaged with meaningful work and doing what they love, people can’t get enough of them. They elevate the team and help boost morale.

2. MANIFESTING GENERATORS: Approximately 30% of the population. They are a hybrid of Manifestors and Generators and are designed to be multi-passionate. They show us what’s possible in life, and often follow a unique career path with a variety of experiences.

AT WORK: They can handle multiple projects at once. If you have an MG on your team ask them about their hobbies. You may be surprised to hear what they get up to on the weekends. If they don’t seem to have any, encourage it. These people thrive with a side hustle. Give them permission to pursue a broad spectrum of interests.

3. PROJECTORS: Roughly 20% of the population. They are the wise, way-showers and guides. They have the unique gift of seeing how processes and systems can be made more efficient.

AT WORK: They’re here to tweak, guide, and bring efficiency to methods or create new ones. If you have Projectors on your team, ask them for their input and advice (especially when it comes to changing systems and methods). They’ll have insight that most others don’t. Projectors are more prone to burn out as they often try to keep up with the Generators of the world. They'll need more time to rest and recharge.

4. MANIFESTORS: Make up less than 10% of the population. They are the visionaries. They're here to create momentum and rally the troops. They’re the energetic leaders in a room (even when they don’t have the title that says so).

AT WORK: Manifestors work faster than any other type, so if you have one on your team understand that 90% of the world moves slower than they do. Patience is key. Have them inform you of their ideas but once they have the green light, let them run with it full steam ahead. They won’t need much guidance (and won’t enjoy being told what to do either).

5. REFLECTORS: The rarest of all types, making up only 1-2% of the population. They are the most energetically sensitive beings on the planet and hold the greatest capacity for wisdom. Reflectors are exactly what the word entails – they are here to reflect and reveal.

AT WORK: They mirror back to us the general health, stability, and well-being of their organization (or team). If you have a reflector on your team, begin to see them as your temperature check and ask them how they find their work environment. Their intuitive insights and read on people can be extremely accurate.

It's important to note that Human Design is a complex system, and there is much more to each type than what is briefly outlined here. However, this guide is a simple starting point for understanding the five Human Design types in the workplace.

If you're curious about your Human Design type and how it can impact your work life, take some time to explore and learn more. Understanding your type and the types of those around you can help foster a more harmonious and productive workplace. Consider taking a Human Design test or reading more about the different types to gain a better understanding of yourself and your colleagues. With this knowledge, you can work to harness your unique strengths and create a more fulfilling and successful career.

Are you ready to unlock your true potential and live a life that aligns with your unique design? A private human design coaching session with me can help you gain clarity and insight into your strengths, challenges, and life purpose based on your individual human design type.

During our session, we'll dive deep into your chart and explore how to optimize your energy, relationships, career, and decision-making processes based on your specific type. You'll walk away with practical tools and strategies to help you live in alignment with your design and unlock your full potential.

Don't wait any longer to discover your unique path to success and fulfillment. Book a private human design coaching session with me today and start living the life you were meant to live!

Brandi Daniels

Boss Babe | Writer | Speaker | Foodie | All Around Badass!


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